The United Kingdom Explained

I have to admit, I sort of knew the differences; but, didn’t fully understand the UK. Well, this video does the job and then some. Enjoy this good video that explains it all . . .   via StumbleUpon and YouTube

Pinguy OS

The other day I stumbled upon a really good Linux optimization package of Ubuntu 11 – the nice thing about this is the pre-setup of many media and office tools just to name a few. If you’re new to Linux or like me, just hate spending hours trying to get things to work after an … [Read more…]

Where did the soundboards go?

All of the JimsJump soundboards have been removed from this site and Android Market. One in particular (the most popular) was decommissioned by external request.  As a mode of self preservation, the remaining soundboards were also removed voluntarily. As always, thank you for the support, comments, and positive feedback.

App Updates!

Both Jim’s Date Calc and the Machine Screws Drill/Tap Info were updated tonight. Both saw a minor change that increased opening speed after the initial install and disclaimer acceptance. Machine Screws Drill/Tap Info was updated to add Roll Form Tap sizes and allow for better resizing of the diagram (for developers it was made into a … [Read more…]