Copy Windows to a new drive using Linux

Found a nice post on how to transfer Windows to a new drive using Linux here:

Your mileage may vary but it is simple as:

1> Using fdisk -u  /dev/sdX   (X=new drive), make an exact partition setup on the new drive as the original

The -u command allows to size the new drive exact as the old – this is important for step #3 #4

2> Then copy the old drives MBR data to the new drive using the command:
dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda bs=446 count=1

Note:  /dev/sdb is the original drive     &     /dev/sda is the new drive  { VERY IMPORTANT!! }

3> Then copy the contents from the original drive to the new drive

dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/dev/sda1 bs=4096

Note:  /dev/sdb1 is the original drive     &     /dev/sda1 is the new drive  { VERY IMPORTANT!! }

Also note that this will take a lot of time (depending on how large your drive is), in a new termial run the “top” command (by itself) to see if the dd is taking up CPU cycles and ensure it is not hung).  For example, a 100GB drive will take ~90 min with fast drives and a fast system!

4>  Then resize the new drive with Gparted or qtparted or parted or via ntfsresize

ntfsrezize -f -v /dev/sda1

5>  When you first boot your new drive allow the check disk to run and then allow the system to reboot and then reboot one more time for good measure.

6> When get into Windows, Windows will see the new drive load drivers and then ask to reboot once more.  When done you’re complete.

This worked great for what I needed.  Here  I traded out an older 120GB drive (PATA) into a new 320GB SATA drive with little fan fair.

Your mileage may vary; but, follow the instructions and observe the command notes and you’ll be fine.
