Yahoo Mail IMAP setup with a PLUS account

Often I setup PDA’s / Phones to access Yahoo Mail, especially with a PLUS account.

For those of you with a Yahoo Plus Email account – these work the best (via IMAP4)

Yahoo – PLUS

Incoming Settings
Password: Password of your yahoo mail
Incoming mail server:
Mailbox Name: Yahoo
Mailbox type: IMAP4
Security(Ports): Off /none
Port: 143

Outgoing Settings
SMTP Server:
Port: 465
Security type:  SSL
Require Sign In / Authentication
Password: Password of your yahoo mail

IMAP4 means it will stay sync’d up as you use Yahoo in other places, SSL on outgoing is required for SPAM prevention.

Happy Yahoo’n


PS: find the Google / G-Mail setup steps (client/device specifics here: )

My New Android Application!

I created a new Android App using App Inventor.

It is a small machine screw size / information application. Unfortunately, Android Market will not allow App Inventor applications…. yet!

Anyway, if any of you are interested in this application, email me and we can arrange to buy it for my originally planned Android Market price of 99 Cents!!! ($0.99 US).

To see the screen shots & get an idea what the application looks like does, look here:
